Welcome Message
Save the Date!
We cordially invite you to participate in the 44th Annual Meeting of the ISDS International Society for Dermatologic & Aesthetic Surgery taking place in Abu Dhabi, October 16-18, 2025.
Abu Dhabi is the largest of seven emirates and the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Made up of 200 islands, the emirate has a diversity of landscapes ranging from coastal islands filled with world-famous attractions and beaches to an uninterrupted desert scenery.
The aim of our ISDS Meeting is to welcome both: teaching and non-teaching physicians from all over the world to share experiences and expertise.
The content of the program is targeted for dermatologic surgeons, dermatologists, residents, plastic surgeons, … all kind of specialists are more than welcome.
The objective of the Meeting in Abu Dhabi is to increase participants’ knowledge of recent developments in the treatment and management of dermatologic and aesthetic surgery, and implementation of newly gained knowledge into applicable practice.
Looking forward to welcome you to Abu Dhabi.
Warmest regards,
Sahar Ghannam, M.D.
Congress President